VR Headsets: HTC Vive, HP Riverb, Oculus Go
A set of headsets are available for testing VR contents which includes the HP Reverb - the highest-resolution VR headset seen to date, HTC Vive- the room scale VR headset and Oculus Go - standalone virtual reality headset.
AR Glasses: Epson Maverio BT 300
The Epson MOVERIO smart glasses to enable next generation augmented reality experiences
VR Treadmill: Virtuix Omni
Omnidirectional treadmill simulator for virtual reality games and other applications. It uses a platform to simulate locomotion i.e. the motion of walking, requiring both special shoes or shoe covers and a surface that reduces friction
Depth Sensors: ZED mini, Kinect V2, Leap Motion
Using advanced depth sensing technologies, it gives live experiences like never before in a world where the real and virtual merge seamlessly.
360° Camera: Richo Theta Z1
RICOH THETA can shoot 360-degree spherical images in a single shot. The RICOH THETA Z1 is the flagship model of this series, with RICOH deploying exceptional optical and image processing technologies, cultivated through years of high-performance camera development, to pursue its highest resolution and quality to date.